drug possession attorney in Apple Valley, MN and Lakeville, MN

Don't Let a Drug Charge Change Your Life

Connect with a drug defense attorney in Apple Valley, MN and serving Lakeville, MN

A drug conviction can lead to fines and jail time. You may also have a criminal record, which can make it harder to secure work and housing in the future. Thankfully, McDonough Law can provide you with a trusted drug defense attorney in Apple Valley, MN and serving Lakeville, MN.

We'll walk you through every step of the process and tirelessly fight to get you the best possible outcome. If you were charged with a controlled substance crime, schedule a consultation with us today.

What drug offenses do we handle?

While we regularly take on cases involving possession of a controlled substance, we don't stop there. You can also count on us to fight for you in any case including, but not limited to:

  • Sale to a minor
  • Sale in a prohibited area
  • Possession with intent to sell
  • Sale of a controlled substance
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Possession of a small amount of marijuana

Get legal counsel for your case right away. Contact our drug defense attorney right away to discuss your case.